How to Secure API Key in Android Studio | Best 2024 Tricks Using NDK and C++

android Blog

Securing API keys is a critical task for any Android developer to ensure that sensitive information is not exposed to malicious actors. With the rapid growth of mobile app development, protecting your app’s API keys in Android Studio has become more important than ever. One of the most effective ways to secure your API keys is by using the NDK (Native Development Kit) with C++, as it adds an extra layer of security to your app. This blog will guide you through the best methods to secure your API key using NDK and C++ in 2024.

Why Do You Need to Secure Your API Key?

API keys are essential for communicating with external services, but if these keys are exposed, they can be misused, leading to:

  • Unauthorized access to your API services.
  • Increased costs due to fraudulent use of paid APIs.
  • Sensitive data breaches if the exposed API is related to user data or payment gateways.

Risks of Hardcoding API Keys

Hardcoding your API keys directly in your Android code is a common mistake that many developers make. These keys can be easily extracted by decompiling the APK or using reverse engineering tools. Once exposed, it can lead to significant security risks.

That’s where the NDK and C++ come in. By moving your API keys to native code, it becomes much harder for attackers to extract them, providing an additional security barrier.

Why NDK is Better Than Hardcoding

  • Native Code Protection: NDK allows you to hide API keys in compiled C++ code, which is more difficult to reverse-engineer compared to Java or Kotlin.
  • Obfuscation Tools: Combining NDK with ProGuard or R8 obfuscation adds an additional security layer.
  • JNI Access: By accessing the API key via JNI, you prevent it from being exposed directly in your Java code, making it harder for attackers to extract.

Final Thoughts: Future-Proof Your App Security

Securing API keys is an evolving challenge. Using the NDK and C++ provides a robust solution, especially when combined with other security best practices like code obfuscation and secure server-side validation. As we move further into 2024, securing API keys will continue to be a critical aspect of app development, and taking proactive steps will save you from potential security breaches.

By following Video these tips, you can better protect your API keys and make it much harder for attackers to compromise your app. Keep security in mind from the start of your development process, and you’ll create a more resilient and trustworthy application.

#CMakeLists.txt file code
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.22.1)

# Add the shared library
add_library(${CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME} SHARED native-lib.cpp)

# Link the libraries

native-lib.cpp file code

#include <jni.h>
#include <string>

std::string DOMAIN = “”;
std::string KEY = “7HSYY12912787SKJS76”;

extern “C”
Java_secureapikey_com_Helper_DOMAIN(JNIEnv *env, jobject thiz) {
return env->NewStringUTF(DOMAIN.c_str());

extern “C”
Java_secureapikey_com_Helper_KEY(JNIEnv *env, jobject thiz) {
return env->NewStringUTF(KEY.c_str());

Use Code in Your Android Studio Java Code in Helper.claass

public native String KEY();
public native String DOMAIN();

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